We source and develop accommodation to meet your requirements, so let us know what types of property you need and specification that you require so that we can work in partnership with you to deliver the accommodation to highest possible standard, at the lowest possible rent levels.
1. You tell us what type of property you want, where you want it and to what standard it needs to be refurbished/built
2. We source a number of options and present them to you
3. You decide, in conjunction with the service users and their family, the social workers and commissioners, which property is most suitable
4. We work together with you and any other stakeholders, to get all of the legal documents
5. We purchase and develop the property to the required standard
6. Tenants move in
7. You deliver the care and support

Care Providers, Housing Associations and Charities
We work in partnership with care providers, housing associations and charities who are responding to local authority and CCG demand for supported living accommodation.
We take a flexible approach at all times in order to meet your requirements in the way that works for you.
Get in touch to see how we can work together to source and develop properties to meet your requirements.
Local Authorities and Clinical Commissioning Groups
We are ideally placed to form strategic partnerships with local authorities to deliver any supported housing requirements.
With a former commissioner in the team, we are able to speak your language and understand challenges of commissioning supported living services.
If you have identified demand for new accommodation, but do not want to rely upon providers bringing the property to your attentions, we are able to source the specific accommodation that you require, while you maintain control of commissioning the care element, using your preferred procurement route.
In this model, you are able to commission the housing separately from the care allowing you to maintain a stronger contract monitoring arrangement with the provider that you award the contract to.
If you would like to talk me about how you can commission Lilly Rose Supported Housing, please get in touch.