Our Story

The UK is in an acute housing crisis.

This is no secret. There are not enough homes to go around for everyone, let alone enough social housing for the more vulnerable among us.

Like everyone else, people with complex needs need to live in the right environment to support their wellbeing and quality of life.

This gives them the tools to grow, allowing for fuller participation in and contribution to the wider society.

Young adults with mental health needs and learning disabilities are particularly vulnerable, and they need our support to access safe and secure housing.

Sadly however, it has been widely reported that the quality of supported living in the UK is poor and not fit for purpose.

Lilly Rose was established to help turn the tide and create homes which support healing and the living of empowered lives.

We are a not-for-profit Charitable Community Benefit Society, registered with the Financial Conduct Authority and incorporated under the Co-operative and Community Benefit Societies Act 2014.

Our strategy:

Our strategy is to work flexibly and in close partnership with established Supported Housing Providers, by making short leases available to them where they are restricted from taking long leases but are committed to the property for the long term.

In every instance schemes must be well supported by the local commissioning framework and have rents set at reasonable levels, agreed with Housing Benefit, and be in line with the 2020 Rent Standard and the Addendum to the Sector Risk Profile 2019 ‘Setting rents for social housing’.

Lilly Rose was established to help turn the tide and create homes which support healing and the living of empowered lives.

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